Gitup vicky lai
Gitup vicky lai

gitup vicky lai
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The prosecution was today represented by Senior Public Prosecutor Simon Kwong and Public Prosecutor Derrick Lee, assisted by ICAC officer Queenie Woo.

#Gitup vicky lai full#

The HKMU had rendered full assistance to the ICAC during its investigation into the case. The OUHK later revealed irregularities from the approval-seeking process of the Programme and decided not to further process with it. The OUHK did not allow the duo to solicit any advantages, including employment, from any persons with which they were having official dealings.

gitup vicky lai

The court heard that Wong and Lai had never declared to the OUHK their relationships with COBP or that Wong was in negotiation with COBP on an employment contract. After the OUHK endorsed the Programme in mid-January 2018, Wong continued to negotiate on his remuneration package with COBP and he eventually joined COBP as an executive director with a monthly salary of about $190,000. Wong understood that his employment with COBP depended on whether the Programme could be materialised.

gitup vicky lai

Although Lai was fully aware of Wong’s ongoing negotiations on his employment terms with COBP, she prepared the documents for the Programme and submitted the budget and proposal of the Programme, incorporated with Wong’s comments, to OUHK for approval. In late September 2017, Wong informed Lai that he was negotiating a potential employment offer by Council of Beauty Professionals Limited (COBP), an organisation in the beauty industry, and he in return was required to arrange for OUHK to develop a Corporate Training Programme named “Professional Certificate in Cosmetic Light Therapy” (the Programme) with COBP as the co-organiser between October 2017 and January 2018. Since mid-November 2017, he was prohibited from taking part in handling LiPACE’s business until his contract expired. Wong tendered his resignation to the OUHK in late July 2017 after receiving a prior notice that no further contract would be offered to him after his contract expired in January 2018.

#Gitup vicky lai professional#

Lai was the Programme Director of LiPACE responsible for developing and organising various professional programmes, including Corporate Training Programmes, which were organised at the request of individual clients. The court heard that at the material time, Wong was the Director of LiPACE responsible for its overall management. The defendants were remanded in the custody of the Correctional Services Department. Deputy Judge Miss Veronica Heung Shuk-han adjourned the case to September 20 for sentence, pending the defendants’ background reports. Kris Wong Wai-ning, 52, former Director of LiPACE of the OUHK (subsequently renamed as the Hong Kong Metropolitan University (HKMU)) and Vicky Lai Wai-kee, 50, former Programme Director of LiPACE of the OUHK, were found guilty of one count of conspiracy to solicit advantage as a public servant, contrary to Section 4(2)(c) of the Prevention of Bribery Ordinance (POBO) and Section 159A of the Crimes Ordinance. Two former senior staff members of Li Ka Shing Institute of Professional and Continuing Education (LiPACE) of The Open University of Hong Kong (OUHK), charged by the ICAC, were today (September 6) convicted at the District Court of conspiracy to solicit an employment from a beauty industry organisation in their official capacities.

Gitup vicky lai