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Heckler thinks that, overall, there’s less of an outspoken sense of community among French YouTubers. In the US, most YouTubers live either in New York or LA, making it harder to get together and participate in meet-ups and other events. For her, the strongest sense of community among YouTubers was probably in the UK, a fact that she partially attributes to geography because it’s a smaller landmass, it’s easier to get to and from events and to collaborate. says, YouTubers would only avoid each other if they have a problem with one another or don’t want to be associated with a particular vlogger’s viewpoints, etc. She also says that if a YouTuber is filming in a location where another YouTuber is also filming, they’ll get upset because they don’t want to “promote” the other YouTuber, even if that other person really doesn’t need promoting. In France, she says, many YouTubers will think badly of you if you ask to collaborate, regardless of how many subscribers you already have. cites is that YouTubers in the US are generally much more easygoing about collaborating. So, no matter what country a YouTuber lives and works in, respect and recognition for their work really may come down to each person they interact with.Īnother difference that Patricia B. Benjamin, who currently lives in the UK, thinks the same thing is probably true for YouTubers there, and has experienced people who look down on or don’t consider other internet-based jobs, like blogging, as a legitimate, respectable career. For example, US-based YouTube megastar Jenna Marbles often talks about how it’s hard to explain and prove her career to people in official or government positions.

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That being said, US-based YouTubers also sometimes say similar things. Heckler has found that in France, where she currently lives, most younger people watch YouTube, but YouTube and YouTubers aren’t talked about as much as they are in the UK and US, so vlogging as a profession still seems a bit unusual. It seems easier to run into or know one, which could help explain the acceptance of vlogging as an actual job. She also remarks that since the UK is geographically smaller, people seem “closer” to YouTubers there. In her video, she says that while people in the US tend to accept YouTubers as professionals, French people tend to think of someone becoming a vlogger as a sign that they just didn’t want to continue with their studies.Īndrea Heckler has also found that people in the US, as well as the UK, generally accept being a YouTuber as a job. According to Patricia, one of the most notable ways being a YouTuber differs in France is that people still have trouble accepting it as a serious job. and Andrea Heckler are Americans living and vlogging in France. Of the two responses that are relevant to us, YouTubers Patricia B.

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So far, two YouTubers have responded regarding the difference between YouTube in the US/UK and France, but if you’re as intrigued by this issue as we are, feel free to check out the growing #vlogaroundtheworld list. Recently, Germany-based YouTuber Dana from Wanted Adventure launched a sort of open call across the platform, asking fellow vloggers to talk about how YouTube differs from their country of origin and the country where they currently reside.

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Like the US, France isamong the top ten YouTube-using countries in the world, ranked at number 8 in 2018, with about 30.3 million active users out of a total population of just under 67 million. According to a recent survey, an extremely high percentage of the UK population uses YouTube – about 80%, making it even more popular than juggernauts like Facebook. In terms of users, the US is the top YouTube -watching and -uploading country in the world, with 180 million active users in 2018.

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It turns out that there are a few, but they’re mostly subtle and, to a certain extent, subjective. But are there any differences between the YouTube experience in the US, UK, and France? YouTube is watched and posted to by users around the world, making it a global phenomenon. The best French cooking channels How is YouTube in France different from YouTube in the US and UK?

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